Bloomfield Hills

Energy Savings Through Windows in Bloomfield Hills, MI

We've gotten a lot of calls for insulation lately. It seems like everyone in Oakland County Michigan is looking to save on their energy bills and keep their home warm this winter. Aside from insulating your home, you can save money and energy with the right windows. Window R-Values As mentioned before, R-value measures how well a construction material insulates. The higher the R-value, the better the material is. Conventional fiberglass battens usually have an R-value of 10.9. An average glass window has an R-value of one, which means that a lot of energy can pass through easily. It's been [...]

2022-09-28T14:28:21-04:00Categories: Windows|Tags: , |

Is Your Bloomfield Hills Roof Ready for High Winds?

Right now, Oakland county is under a high wind advisory. These high winds can be destructive to your roof and cause extensive storm damage. So, with the hurricane backlash coming our way, Martino Home Improvements wants to know, is your roof ready for high winds? Is your roof clear of branches overhead? Tree branches hanging above your roof may look nice on a clear day, but during high winds they're a menace. It's important to clear the branches near your roof so that high winds don't send the branches into your roof. Has your roof been inspected recently? It's recommended [...]

2022-09-28T14:53:44-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: , |