Oakland County

Windows for Curb Appeal in Birmingham, MI

Windows affect your home's curb appeal and can impact the overall aesthetic of your home. So, if it's time to replace your windows, take a while to look at the different types of windows available and how they'll change your homes look. Below we go over three types of windows and their appeal. Double Hung Windows Double hung windows are made of two halves that move up and down the frame. They allow for varied ventilation and and capture the natural temperature outside and bring it in. While this may not be the best option in Michigan where the [...]

2022-09-28T15:04:28-04:00Categories: Windows|Tags: , |

Oakland County Fall Roofing Guide

The cool weekend here in Rochester Hills, Michigan had us thinking about fall roofing. Autumn brings with it plenty of falling leaves and the occasionally rain which can effect you're roof. This is also the last season here in Michigan where you can get on your roof to inspect it before the winter snow and ice make it too dangerous. So here is our fall roofing guide to get your prepared for the long winter ahead. Regular Gutter and Downspout Cleaning Fall leaves are beautiful to look at but bad news for your roof once they start falling. You'll want [...]

2022-09-28T15:05:38-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: |

Pros and Cons of Slider Windows in Oakland County, Michigan

Slider windows open up by sliding horizontally on the window frame and can be a great choice for brightening a room. However there's more to them than looks. Below we go over the pros and cons of slider windows. Easy Maintenance Slider windows are made up of fewer parts than conventional windows. This makes them not only cost-effective, but low-maintenance. Durable Slider windows don't rely on springs and pulleys to function, like normal windows do. So you don't have to worry about these parts failing over time. Not to mention, slider windows usually use a window glazing, making them even [...]

2022-09-28T15:06:30-04:00Categories: Windows|Tags: |

Michigan Roof Installation – What to expect?

For a lot of homeowners, getting a completely new roof can be a stressful time. You have to meet with contractors, shell out money and then there's the dreaded day where the work begins and it seems like your house is being torn apart. To help ease your mind, we're going to go through the process of getting a roof installation so there aren't any surprises when the day comes. 1. Break Down The first stage is tearing the old roofing system off. There will be a lot of debris and it can look scary. It won't last long. A [...]

2022-09-28T15:08:43-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: , , , |

6 Things You Need to Know About Bay Windows in Madison Heights, MI

Bay windows are something a lot of homeowners dream of. And why wouldn't they? Bay windows extend out from the house creating extra space in the room that can be filled with window seating and they instantly add curb appeal. Below is an overview of this style of window as well as its advantages and disadvantages. 1. Placement Bay windows are great for living rooms as these tend to be the bigger rooms in the house. They're also a great option for kitchens. The extra space created from the window can be used as extra seating at the kitchen table. [...]

2022-09-28T15:09:38-04:00Categories: Windows|Tags: , |

Everything You Need to Know About Hopper Windows in Royal Oak, MI

There are many different styles of replacement windows to choose from. To further educate you, we're going to go into depth with each type of window. This week we're going to focus on hopper windows. Uses for Hopper Windows Hopper windows are popular choices for basements because they are hinged at the bottom and tilt open from the top into the room. This blocks wind and precipitation from getting in, which is perfect for areas of the house near the ground. Hopper windows look like small picture windows and will usually include screens. In addition to being used in [...]

2022-09-28T15:11:21-04:00Categories: Windows|Tags: , |

How to Install Shingles On A Gambrel Roof in Berkley, MI

Gambrel roofs, the ones that look like barns, may seem like a difficult roof to install roofing shingles on. The slope changes on each side of the roof make it seem like a daunting task, but it's actually as easy as working on a normal roof. Below, we'll walk you through how to install asphalt shingles on a gambrel roof. Pick A Warm Day The tarred sides of asphalt shingles are flexible and easier to work with when they're warm. So you should choose a warm summer day to install them. Determine How Many Shingles You'll Need Usually a square [...]

2022-09-28T15:32:48-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: , |

Michigan Summer Roofing Care Tips

With the warm weather, many people are taking the time to work on home improvement projects. One thing that's good to do in the summer is to take care of your roof. After all, you wouldn't want to do this in winter with all the snow making it easy to injure yourself. So here are some things that you should do to your roof in the summer while it's easy to access. Inspect the Roof Walk around the house and check for missing shingles and possible places where rain can get in. It's good to do this regularly since the [...]

2022-09-28T15:46:25-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: , , , |

How to Handle Hail Damage to Your Roof in Clawson, MI

We've all seen enough pictures of golf ball size hail to know that it's no joke. Hail can impress the granules into fiberglass and asphalt matts. It may also loosen granules, which are an important part of protecting the asphalt. In metal roofs, hail can leave a dent and weaken the metal. While some of these dings may seem cosmetic, they can actually weaken your roof. So today we want to go over how to inspect for hail damage after a storm and what to do about it. Inspect the Roof You'll want to climb up to the roof [...]

2022-09-28T15:47:17-04:00Categories: Roofing, Storm Damage|Tags: , |

10 Reasons Why Concrete Is the Best Building Material in Metro Detroit

Concrete is an amazing building material. It's versatile enough to be used on roads, floors and walls and stands the test of time. Here are even more reasons why concrete is one of the best choices for your home or business. 1. Affordable Concrete is lest costly to produce. So despite the fluctuating prices of other building materials, you can expect concrete prices to remain steady. 2. Energy Efficient Producing concrete uses less energy than other building materials. The energy to produce one ton of concrete is 1.4GJ/t compared to 30 GJ/t for steel. 3. Excellent Visibility Concrete reflects light, [...]

2022-09-28T15:48:01-04:00Categories: Concrete|Tags: , , , |